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Hire Xamarin Developers

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Onboard our senior Xamarin developers in a matter of days. This is just a small sample of the high-caliber talent working for us already.
Daniel F.
Daniel F.
Senior Xamarin Developer
9 Years of Experience
XamarinC#.NETSQL Server
Daniel specializes in cross-platform mobile app development using Xamarin. He has extensive experience with C# and the .NET framework, and is proficient in cloud solutions, particularly Azure and SQL Server database integration.
San José, Costa Rica
Laura M.
Laura M.
Xamarin and Mobile Solutions Expert
10 Years of Experience
Laura is an expert in both Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.Native, focusing on delivering high-quality mobile solutions. She has a keen eye for UI/UX design and is experienced in integrating RESTful APIs in mobile applications.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Carlos E.
Carlos E.
Lead Software Engineer
12 Years of Experience
XamarinC#ASP.NETSQL Server
Carlos, a lead software engineer, has a deep expertise in Xamarin and C# for developing robust mobile applications. He is also skilled in ASP.NET for web development and Entity Framework for ORM, alongside Microsoft SQL Server.
Santiago, Chile
Andrés P.
Andrés P.
Senior Xamarin Consultant
11 Years of Experience
Andrés is a senior consultant with extensive experience in Xamarin and mobile architecture. He is proficient in .NET Core and familiar with Azure cloud services, and adept at implementing MVVM patterns in mobile app development.
Panama City, Panama
Hire Xamarin Developers

The Ultimate Guide for Hiring Xamarin Developers

Given the rising popularity of cross-platform mobile application development, Xamarin developers are in high demand. But it can be difficult to find top talent that's the right fit for your business. We've been hiring software developers for a decade and a half, identifying only the top 1% of talent from more than 1.4 million applicants per year. We understand what a challenge it can be to find the best talent.

Based on our experience hiring Xamarin developers, we've created a guide to assist you with your own hiring process. We'll look at key considerations to take into account, important skills Xamarin developers should have, sample interview questions, and FAQs about the process. This guide will help you make informed decisions when you hire a Xamarin developer. 

Before You Start Hiring

Before you begin the hiring process, you should have a clear view of your needs, goals, current resources, and other factors. Here are some key considerations:

Team Requirements

What are your overarching software development requirements? Dedicated Xamarin developers typically work on cross-platform mobile application development, so you should assess your objectives that specifically concern apps that run on iOS and Android.

Portfolio and References/Testimonials

Identify the key projects and experiences you'd like to see in a Xamarin developer's portfolio. The portfolio of past projects is an important measure of expertise and qualifications, especially in the development niche you're looking for. Additionally, references will give you insight into how the candidate has worked with previous clients or employers.

Culture Fit

Technical skills are important in Xamarin developers, but they're not the only factor to consider. Cultural fit is also essential. You need developers who will fit in seamlessly with your in-house team. They should share working hours (time zone alignment) and work styles to avoid miscommunication and misalignment of values or goals. 


Consider how a Xamarin developer will help you modernize your organization. How will they refine your mobile app development process to create apps that run on multiple operating systems? Think about the various use cases for solutions developed with the Xamarin platform, such as enterprise and consumer apps. The Xamarin developers you select should have experience in these niches.

Experience in Your Industry

If you hire Xamarin developers with experience in your industry, you'll see better results. These developers have knowledge of important trends in your sector and the expertise to build mobile apps that respond to the landscape. For example, if you're in the healthcare industry, you might want a developer who has experience working with Xamarin.Forms to create patient care apps with appealing UIs.

14 Skills Every Xamarin Developer Should Have

Xamarin is a widely used cross-platform app development framework. It allows developers to speed up development by writing code once in C# and deploying it across multiple platforms, particularly iOS and Android. 

Xamarin developers should have a number of important technical and soft skills. Here are some of the most important qualifications to look for. 

Technical Skills to Look for in Your Ideal Xamarin Developer

1. Proficiency in C# and .NET Framework

Experience in C# and .NET is essential when you hire Xamarin app developers. Xamarin uses C# to build cross-platform applications. Both the framework and language are integral to the .NET ecosystem.

2. Experience with Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin Native

Xamarin.Forms is used to develop cross-platform user interfaces, and Xamarin Native is used for platform-specific coding. Both are essential for a Xamarin developer to know.

3. Understanding of Platform-Specific Development

While Xamarin is mainly used for cross-platform development, it's important for developers to have knowledge of platform-specific features and practices for iOS, Android, and Windows. This allows them to utilize the unique features of each platform. 

4. Visual Studio Experience

Visual Studio is a comprehensive IDE for Xamarin development. It offers an array of coding, debugging, and testing tools to facilitate development within the platform.

5. Understanding of MVVM Design Pattern

The Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern is commonly used in Xamarin for a clean separation of concerns.

6. Mobile Development Fundamentals

A Xamarin developer must have a strong understanding of mobile development principles, including UI design, data handling, user input handling, and device features such as GPS and notifications.

7. Knowledge of XAML

Xamarin developers should have experience working with Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) for designing UIs in Xamarin.Forms.

8. Familiarity with APIs and Web Services

Developers will often need to work with RESTful APIs and web services for data fetching and integration, cross-platform functionality, integration with cloud-based services, and service-oriented architecture.

9. Testing and Debugging

Any Xamarin developer requires experience in unit testing, UI testing, and debugging. These practices are essential for ensuring the quality and functionality of the application.

10. App Store Deployment

The Apple App Store and Google Play Store each have their own set of requirements and regulations respectively concerning app publication. Xamarin developers need to have knowledge of these rules when developing apps.

Soft Skills to Look for in Your Ideal Xamarin Developer

11. Communication Skills

Communication is essential in the development environment. Xamarin developers must communicate with team members, stakeholders, and clients.

12. Problem-Solving

Problem-solving skills allow developers to find innovative solutions to challenging problems and complexities in the development process.

13. Time Management

Xamarin developers juggle numerous responsibilities simultaneously. Time management skills allow them to effectively manage priorities, tasks, and deadlines.

14. Attention to Detail

Strong attention to detail is important for the accuracy and completeness of work.

By now, you should have a basic understanding of the technical and soft skills to look for in an experienced Xamarin developer. Next, let’s look at a few sample technical interview questions you can ask to separate the wheat from the chaff.
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8 Questions to Identify Top Xamarin Developers

When interviewing Xamarin developers, it's important to ask questions that first assess the candidates' technical skills and knowledge. Employers will also usually conduct a coding test to further assess specific on-the-job knowledge.

The following set of questions aim to uncover not only the developer's technical knowledge but also their problem-solving abilities, teamwork, communication skills, and adaptability—all crucial traits for success in a collaborative environment.

Here are a few examples of technical interview questions:

1. What's the difference between Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin Native?

Sample Answer

Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin Native are both part of the Xamarin framework and are used for cross-platform mobile app development. However, they are used for different purposes. Xamarin.Forms is a UI toolkit that allows developers to create UIs that can be shared across iOS, Android, and Windows with a single codebase. Xamarin Native allows developers to write platform-specific code with C#.

2. Please give some examples of C# features that are particularly useful in Xamarin app development.

Sample Answer

C# includes a wide range of features that facilitate easier and more effective Xamarin app development. They improve code efficiency, enhance the developer experience, and help create robust and maintainable applications. These features include 

  • Language Integrated Query (LINQ) is used for data manipulation, particularly when you're working with collections or local databases, such as SQLite.
  • Asynchronous programming is essential for UI responsiveness in mobile applications.
  • Lambda expressions and delegates help create concise and readable code. They are particularly useful in event handling and LINQ queries, allowing developers to write less wordy code for callbacks and event listeners.
  • Extension methods allow developers to add additional methods to existing types without altering their source code. They're especially useful when you're working with custom controls or specific data types.
  • Partial classes and methods enable splitting the implementation of a class or method across multiple source files. This is helpful for separating the shared code from platform-specific code in large projects.
  • Generics improve code reusability and type safety, which is important for building reusable components and services in data models, view models, and service layers.
  • Nullable types offer a straightforward way to handle null references, which improves the reliability of the app.
  • Attributes can be leveraged to add metadata to code, accessed at runtime using reflection.
  • Properties and auto-properties provide a flexible way to expose private fields with getters and setters, simplifying property declaration and making code cleaner.

3. How do you ensure a consistent user experience across different platforms using Xamarin?

Sample Answer

I utilize Xamarin.Forms for UI design to ensure a consistent user experience across different platforms in Xamarin. I also implement a consistent design language and UI language and employ data binding and the MVVM pattern to maintain a clean separation of business logic from UI. Finally, I use Xamarin.Essentials to leverage common device functionalities in a consistent way across multiple platforms.

4. Can you explain the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern and its advantages in Xamarin development?

Sample Answer

The MVVM pattern is a design approach that enhances the separation of concerns in app development. In Xamarin, it's especially useful for building maintainable, testable, and scalable apps, dividing the applications into the Model, View, and ViewModel.

Additional Interview Questions

5. How do you stay updated with the latest trends and practices in Xamarin and mobile app development?

You should hire Xamarin developers who stay current with the trends and best practices in the field. This is essential for building quality software with strong security, functionality, and performance.

6. What strategies would you use to optimize the performance of a Xamarin application?

This question allows you to better understand how a candidate finetunes software.

7. Can you discuss a challenging UI you implemented in Xamarin and how you approached it?

This will help you evaluate the Xamarin developer's problem-solving skills and approach to coping with challenges.

8. How would you set up a CI/CD pipeline for a Xamarin project?

This allows you to assess the developer's familiarity with continuous integration and continuous development and ability to implement a CI/CD pipeline.


What are the key skills to look for in a Xamarin developer?

A Xamarin developer should have proficiency in C# and .NET framework, experience with Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin Native, an understanding of the MVVM design pattern, and knowledge of APIs and web services. They should also have experience in mobile development fundamentals and familiarity with version control systems like Git.

How do you assess a Xamarin developer's technical expertise?

You can assess a Xamarin developer's technical expertise through a combination of technical interviews, coding tests, and reviewing past projects or portfolios. Questions can focus on C#, .NET, data binding, platform-specific UI design, and handling of APIs and web services.

What kind of experience should a Xamarin developer have?

A Xamarin developer should have extensive experience in building and deploying cross-platform mobile applications, working with different APIs, and implementing complex UI designs. They should also have a track record of solving challenging problems.

Can a Xamarin developer work on both frontend and backend aspects of an app?

Yes, a Xamarin developer, especially one with full-stack development experience, can work on both frontend (UI/UX) and backend (APIs, databases) aspects of a mobile application.

How do you evaluate a Xamarin developer's problem-solving skills?

You can evaluate a Xamarin developer's problem-solving skills through a number of means. For example, ask technical problem-solving questions during the interview. Discuss how the candidate has approached and solved challenges in their previous projects.

How much importance should be placed on a developer's understanding of platform-specific features?

A Xamarin developer's understanding of platform-specific features is very important. While Xamarin allows for shared code, understanding platform-specific features and capabilities is essential for optimizing performance and user experience on each platform.

<strong>Hire Xamarin devs?</strong> Check out our complete hiring guide.
Hire Xamarin devs? Check out our complete hiring guide.
This complete guide teaches you where to find expert Xamarin talent, how to assess their skills, and tips for attracting top candidates. Build a strong Xamarin team to meet your business needs.
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