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Hire GraphQL Developers In 2024

Redefine your API interactions with GraphQL! Navigate the roadmap to hiring adept GraphQL developers, ensuring efficient and tailored data-fetching solutions.

BairesDev Editorial Team

By BairesDev Editorial Team

BairesDev is an award-winning nearshore software outsourcing company. Our 4,000+ engineers and specialists are well-versed in 100s of technologies.

7 min read

GraphQL Developer

GraphQL is an API query language that offers an efficient, stronger, and more adaptable solution for running queries. The data is presented to the end-user in the form of a graph, making it easier for them to understand and use that data. The objects are displayed as graph nodes, and the graph edges are the relationships between different pieces of data. GraphQL also makes it easier to traverse and modify the required data.

It follows client-driven architecture and uses a single, smart AI endpoint that allows users to specify the exact type of data they want to fetch. Hence, the results are predictable and delivered quickly. The applications developed through Graphql are also more stable.

If you’re considering using this language at your organization, you need to hire Git developers who have experience working with the tool. Here’s what to look for.

Hire GraphQL Developers In 2023 - A BairesDev Guide 7

Hiring Guide

Through GraphQL, you can make multiple queries in a single call. It has 3 main components: schema, queries, and mutation. The schema defines the nodes and edges of the graph along with its structure. It also defines the queries that you can use for that particular graph. GraphQL schema definition language (GSQL) is used to define the schema.

Queries are used to access data. The returned data is in the form of JSON files with status 200 OK. A mutation happens when the query tries to add, delete, or update records instead of fetching data. Resolver functions are tasked with checking the values of different fields.

GraphQL in today’s Market

GraphQL has redefined the way APIs interact with systems. When Facebook initially started this project in 2012, its purpose was to assist with mobile app performance and decrease network consumption. Now, this project is used in production by many major companies, such as GitHub, Yelp, PayPal, and The New York Times, just to name a few.

GraphQL supports many major programming languages such as Python, Java, C#, and Node.js. In addition, many new sophisticated tools are added to the GraphQL ecosystem, such as Apollo, GraphiQL, and GraphQL Explorer.

The GraphQL community has also grown a lot since its inception. Its numerous users help GraphQL grow by improving financial and intellectual investment in the product, providing marketing assistance, and arranging events, training, and workshops.

GraphQL is strongly typed, i.e., the language itself makes sure that the syntax is correct. These functions allow the GraphQL developer to create better and marketable tools. The user can also subscribe to real-time updates to the graph.

Issues Companies face while hiring GraphQL developers

Hiring GraphQL developers is tricky. Very few engineers know everything there is to know when it comes to GraphQL. And even fewer have the technical knowledge required to actually make GraphQL schemas work.

Sometimes the developer may be good with GraphQL, but they won’t have experience fixing bugs and issues. Even simple issues like schema duplication and client-server data mismatch errors can affect your performance and lead to a bloated codebase if not fixed in time.

Aside from performance issues, developers have to make sure there are no security flaws in the application. Missing validations and lack of checks allow unethical actors to attack and control your system/data. Focusing on security during development and ensuring that the production code doesn’t reveal private information will help developers avoid the common security pitfalls of GraphQL.

How to select the perfect GraphQL developers?

There are many hurdles when it comes to implementing GraphQL in your systems. However, a good GraphQL developer should be able to understand the tradeoff and work with it while avoiding the common mistakes associated with this language.

You can check certain parameters to see if the developer is suitable for the job or not. For example, the candidate should be good with API request creation and maintenance. They should also have experience with GraphQL schemas and components.

The engineer should also know about React, Ruby, and Angular, as they help in creating language definitions for API layers. The developer should be experienced in SaaS development and delivery.

Experience with AWS is always a major plus. And it would be better if they knew how to create and implement microservices in the system/cloud.

GraphQL Interview Questions

Is GraphQL a Database?

GraphQL isn’t a database: it’s an API query and manipulation language. It offers a single endpoint solution to API data delivery problems.

What are Overfetching and Underfetching, and how does GraphQL address these issues?

Underfetching means the user isn’t getting the data they require from the server. This forces them to use a second data point to get the desired result.

Overfetching means that the user gets too much data from the server, which they don’t even need. This uses up bandwidth and makes processes slower.

GraphQL endpoints can solve both these issues. You can specify the exact data you require from the server through Endpoints, and the server will fetch that exact data in only one trip.

What exactly is Apollo in GraphQL?

Apollo is a platform for GraphQL implementation. It displays data as an actual graph that you can review. It also provides the data graph layer that connects data to the cloud.

Apollo decouples services to ensure independent and quick service development. This is useful when you’re implementing GraphQL at an enterprise level.

What are Fragments in GraphQL?

A GraphQL fragment is a small piece of logic that multiple queries share. It can be mutated according to user requirements. It’s used when the query is extremely long and includes reusable components. The idea of the fragment was to organize code straightforwardly while avoiding duplicated code.

Is GraphQL only suitable with React/JavaScript?

GraphQL is a cross-platform and open-source API technology. GraphQL supports many programming languages, including Java, Python, .NET, C#, R, Haskell, Perl, Ruby, Scala, and Go. You can use any programming language and framework to implement it.

Job Description

We are looking for a smart and qualified GraphQL developer who can design and support services for large-scale enterprise systems and the cloud. They should be passionate team players who specialize in API development, query handling, and maintenance. It’s an excellent opportunity for result-oriented developers who want to work on new technologies and enhance their skills as full-stack developers.


  • Write reusable and reliable enterprise-level code.
  • Create projects with Redux. React, using GraphQL for API queries.
  • Work on complex SaaS product development and maintenance.
  • Develop infrastructure, integrations, and architecture for the system.
  • Work on isomorphic applications.
  • Coordinate with internal and external teams to understand business requirements.
  • Follow best industry practices and standards.
  • {{Add other relevant responsibilities}}

Skills and Qualifications

  • Knowledge of React/Redux
  • Experience in designing high-performance and optimized code modules
  • Proven experience working with GraphQL queries and Apollo implementation
  • Deep understanding of server-side development and client master communication
  • Experience with graph modeling for microservices
  • Experience with code versioning tools
  • Problem-solving skills and team spirit
  • {{Add other frameworks or libraries related to your development stack}}
  • {{List education level or certification required}}


GraphQL is known as a quick and simple solution to other API query processors. It has a client-driven approach and allows clients to control which data they wish to return. As a result, it is an excellent addition to any organization’s API toolset. Companies who are trying to avoid their data cost overheads should definitely invest in implementing GraphQL to their existing architecture.

BairesDev Editorial Team

By BairesDev Editorial Team

Founded in 2009, BairesDev is the leading nearshore technology solutions company, with 4,000+ professionals in more than 50 countries, representing the top 1% of tech talent. The company's goal is to create lasting value throughout the entire digital transformation journey.

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